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Newest Book...


My much anticipated book...I'm A Sword Wielding Devil Slayer; Declaring the Word of God and Taking Back What the Devil Has Stolen From Me is finally here! 


The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. Jesus used this spiritual weapon when tempted by Satan. Each time Satan attempted to deliver a blow, Jesus blocked the attack with the Word of God. This 40 day devotional will teach you how to pierce through the lies and deceptions of the enemy and unsheathe the Sword of God and wield it over your life and stop to the enemy and his invasions!


Girlfriend you will not want to miss this devotional!

You must get your self a copy of this book...I read it and it stirred up my soul and gave me a higher perspective of how GOD works and how the outcome its always victorious!

Amazon Reviewer


Essential for a faith walk


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